It’s Not Personal, It’s Politics

Happy Anniversary!

To run as a political candidate, you must have thick skin. I find it a little ironic to write a post about not taking things personally because I am still trying to improve on that one. But, as a wise person once said, it’s all about “Sucking less every day.”

There are TONS OF EGO involved in the political landscape, ranging from the top of the hill to the peak of Mount Everest. And if you decide to run for office, you’ll be a much better candidate if you try to keep that ego in check on the campaign trail. People might write letters to you calling you, “a baby killer.” A voter could tell you they are voting for your opponent because “That’s how my husband wants me to vote.” And your own County party chair might ignore you and your whole team and not call you back because you are running against “the establishment candidate.” These are all true stories.

So, if you have issues with rejection or people telling you “no,” you might want to think twice about running for office. And the opposite goes for who you hire as your staff. Your campaign will suffer if you surround yourself with “yes” people. I guarantee it. Hire smart and experienced people, not your neighbors down the street, because they watch MSNBC all day.

And more importantly, LISTEN to the smart and experienced people you hire. It is completely fine to have strategic disagreements from time to time. But, surrounding yourself with people who are afraid to say no to you is not the pathway to success or victory. One of the sweetest phrases from a candidate’s mouth is, “You all are professionals, and I trust your judgment.”

Again, as a candidate, you cannot take things too personally or dwell on them. If someone doesn’t donate money to your campaign, don’t delete them from your phone or remove them from your holiday card list. You never know what another person’s financial situation might be or what is happening in their life. If someone you have known for 20 years chooses not to endorse you, it doesn’t mean they still don’t care about you and want to continue being your friend. It is far too petty to lose friends who share your same political stances over a campaign.

Conversely, if someone truly wrongs you by lying, dragging your name through the mud, or doing or saying anything that adversely affects your family, that is a completely different story. About two months ago, I complimented a gentleman from Canada wearing a shirt that read, “I don’t hold grudges. I remember facts.”

Politics can be brutal, and in my nearly 15 years in the political industry, I’ve witnessed some of its ugliest aspects. As a woman working in a male-dominated industry, I’ve experienced some of the worst, but I’ve learned to let go of most of it, mainly because I am a big believer in karma.

So, as Workhorse Strategies celebrates our third anniversary, we’d like to help you on your journey, whatever that might entail. We are here to help guide you through the treacherous waters, whether through campaigns, communications, crisis management, advocacy, or public relations. We are here for you as we kick off the 2024 cycle. And if Workhorse Strategies had a company motto, it would be, “No Bullshit.” We will point you in the right direction if we don't offer a service.

Thank you to everyone who has sent us referrals over the past three years; we are forever grateful.

Email, and let’s get started.


Monica Biddix
Workhorse Strategies, LLC
Principal and Founder


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